Total rejuvenation of the body and mind- Ajit patel uk, Ajit patel uk Sanda, Ajit patel uk wellness, Ajit patel uk wellbeing, ajit patel memet, ajit patel goldshield

Located on the secluded but stunning Sernabatim beach, surrounded by whispering palms and facing the inviting blue waters of the Arabian Sea, The Beach House provides all the ingredients necessary for natural rejuvenation at this lifestyle destination. My visit was prompted by the desire to experience its unique all-inclusive wellness programmes and get my own stressed-out life of a typical Mumbai-ite in order!

The Infrastructure

The Beach House is a boutique wellness retreat with a holistic approach to wellbeing, which is supported by a team of highly-trained Indian and international therapists and doctors who manage the clients. It is the brainchild of Ajit Patel, owner of UK-based Sanda Wellbeing, who was motivated by his severe health issues to launch this wellness centre.

Set on a quiet beach front, the resort is built to offer space and quiet to its guests. The property has 11 modern beautifully-designed rooms of which seven are in duplex villas with a lounge downstairs and a bedroom above. Treatment rooms are housed in quaint spa tents, clustered amidst coconut palms and flowering trees to offer privacy. Facing the sea is the main two-storey bungalow housing the consultation rooms on the first floor, with the expansive reception, lounge and dining area opening out onto a stunning deck with fabulous 180 degree views of the sea. The property is set in a landscaped lawn sloping towards the beach and has private access to it, and thoughtfully-built shacks face the sea, encouraging contemplation and rest.

The Philosophy

According to Ajit Patel, “Wellness and wellbeing is a lot more than health.” He should know, having battled illnesses and surgeries for a large part of his life from the age of 21. “The one thing I realized through all this was what kept me going was my mind,” says Patel,  whose conviction was the basis for the ‘wellness retreat’ concept of The Beach House.

Strongly based on a holistic approach to wellbeing, treatments are based on ancient philosophies as well as modern science. Each guest’s wellbeing quotient is assessed based on the Three Chakra assessment developed at The Beach House, according to which everybody is a reflection of his/her physiological, physical and psychological chakra. And if each of these  perfect, a state of balance is found, which, as you can imagine is rare!

Every guest receives a medical questionnaire before arrival, so that the team of wellness consultants comprising of doctors, therapists, nutritionists, and yoga and fitness instructors can study it and be prepared.  On arrival, they undergo an exhaustive 360 degree screening process on each of the three chakras, basis which a customized line of treatment is followed.

For more information please click here Total body rejuvenation program


Hope on the Horizon for Sufferers of Coeliac Disease?

For sufferers of coeliac disease, there are not many options available other than completely removing gluten from their diets. If they don’t do this there are a whole host of nasty side-effects which gluten exposure can cause them. These range from abdominal pain to nutritional deficiencies and damage to the digestive tract. Various methods have been used to try and ease the symptoms or even cure the disease, others have tried to find ways around the issue but finally it seems like a group of scientists have thought up a solution which could spell hope for sufferers of coeliac disease in the world everywhere.

The idea that’s taken root, so to speak, is creating a new type of wheat which would contain none of the gluten which is so harmful to sufferers of coeliac disease. Scientists are doing this by sorting through all of the currently available varieties of grain without the compounds which are damaging, or at least much less of them. They’ve taken these grains and used a ‘genetic engineering trick’ to dampen their abilities to produce gluten at all. The result is a kind of wheat which has most of the damaging gluten bred out of it, making it almost non-harmful to sufferers of coeliac disease.

The scientists responsible for this research have said that they’re still working at removing the worst compounds while keeping the best ones in full force. They’re confident that given time and the correct manipulation, they’ll be able to create a strain of wheat which will make a great loaf of bread!

For more information please click Ajit Patel UK

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What Food Hurts and What Food Helps? – Ajit Patel Sanda

There’s a lot to be said for eating right and there’s a lot to be said for recommending healthiness in everything we can. Unfortunately life’s not just a long run at a healthy lifestyle, it’s mucky and unexpected and more importantly we only get one of them. We’ve got to live that life with as much joy and fun as we can because, at the end of the day, there isn’t going to be another one.

That said, we should do our best to preserve the life we do have, especially if it’s as simple as choosing the food that we eat and how often we eat it. Yes we all love bacon but isn’t it better as an occasional treat than as a regular staple of your diet? If you answered that question with a no, I’ll just have to beg you to grill it more than you fry it and back away.
So, for those of us who’re eager to live and have fun for the many years to come, what can we eat to help our bodies out?
Keep eating those fruits and veggies. They’re great tasting and great for you, keep the variation high to prevent yourself from getting bored.
Foods high in fibre like whole grain breads and cereals are great for digestion. Eat these regularly and your body won’t have to work as hard to break down the other food that you eat.
Water’s cheap, easily available and great for you! It’ll help move other things you’ve eaten through your digestive tract while keeping you hydrated and focussed all day long!
For a natural remedy to indigestion or an upset tummy, try ginger, peppermint or turmeric to settle it! Also, a nice warm cup of green tea can go down an absolute treat!

Keep an eye on what you eat but remember to have fun with it and let it expand your horizons. We live in a time where eating veggies doesn’t have to be bland as we can have almost anything we want from most places in the world!

For more information please click Ajit Patel Goldshield

Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda, Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel Goldshield, Ajit Patel Wemet

Kids: The Dinnertime Battlefield – Ajit Patel Sanda

Anyone with kids will tell you it’s hard to get them eating right and the more kids you have, the more conflicting likes and dislikes there will be when it comes to choosing what to have to dinner. Then, as well as cooking something everyone will actually eat without having to stand over them, you’ve got to cook healthy too. Dinner times are a challenge for families and we at Yourwellness have some top tips for getting your kids eating healthy from young age with less fuss.

Be a Role Model 
When it comes to eating your kids will follow your lead. If you eat badly or are massively picky with your food then your kids will be too. They have to learn it all somewhere after all. It might be difficult if you’re not a lover of food but try slowly broadening your diet, you never know what sorts of things you might find out your enjoy!

Involve Your Children in Food Prep
When you do the family shop encourage kids to get involved in what’s for dinner. Let them pick a vegetable or meat and then let them help with cooking it. Seeing ingredients go from a shop to a plate will encourage children to eat a meal as they helped prepare it!

Don’t have junk in the house
The best way to cut down on junk food is not to buy it. There are plenty of snacks, sweet and otherwise which you can buy which are actually good for your children and will help develop their eating habits even further.

Family Meal
Eating together is important; it builds structure and can help forge relationships between busy families. It’s also a great time for children to see Mum and Dad eating healthily and well, this should do wonders to encourage children to do the same!

For more information please click Ajit Patel Wellness

Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda, Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel Goldshield, Ajit Patel Wemet

Does Diet Cause Feelings Of Depression And Drug Withdrawal? – Ajit Patel Sanda

It’s well established that a diet of fatty and sugary foods isn’t good at all for your physical wellness, but a new study has shown that these foods can harm your mental wellbeing. If you’re on a diet, this can cause chemical changes in the brain to create feelings like you are having drug withdrawals.


According to Dr Stephanie Fulton, from the CRCHUM and the University of Montreal’s Faculty of Medicine, who published the study in the International Journal of Obesity, the experiments were done on mice and, ‘By working with mice, whose brains are in many ways comparable to our own, we discovered that the neurochemistry of the animals who had been fed a high fat, sugary diet were different from those who had been fed a healthy diet.’


For the study, the team wanted to see how different foods impacted the behaviour of the mice, and so fed one group of the animals a low-fat diet that consisted of 11% of calories coming from fat, as opposed to the other group, who were fed a high-fat diet with 58% of their calories coming from fat for the 6-week study. The high-fat group gained an 11% addition to their waist size, but they were not yet considered obese.


Then the researchers rewarded mice with food to monitor any behavioural and emotional changes. They found that the experience physically changed the brains of the animals, and the chemicals that were changed in the brain were the ones associated with depression, such as dopamine. The mice experienced withdrawal symptoms and a greater sensitivity to stressful situations, which then launched a vicious cycle of poor eating following the release of dopamine when they ate unhealthy foods.


According to Fulton, the CREB molecule which contributes to the forming of memories and dopamine production was ‘much more activated in the brains of higher-fat diet mice and these mice also have higher levels of corticosterone, a hormone that is associated with stress. This explains both the depression and the negative behaviour cycle.’


Fulton concluded ‘It’s interesting that these changes occur before obesity. These findings challenge our understanding of the relationship between diet, the body and the mind. It is food for thought about how we might support people psychologically as they strive to adopt healthy eating habits, regardless of their current corpulence.’

For more information please click Ajit Patel Wellness

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How to Keep on Top of Your Mental Health When at Work – Ajit Patel Sanda

Workplaces can be places of extreme stress, and a very important element of corporate wellness is protecting the mental health of all employees. Statistics have shown that one in six workers struggle with some type of mental health problem, such as anxiety, stress or depression. Many of them do not tell their employees that they are dealing with a mental health problem as they are afraid of how their employer may react to that information.

The best managers, however, are heavily committed to protecting the wellbeing of all their employees, as they realise that a company can only be as strong as the people who work for it. People work best when they feel motivated, confident and focused on the task at hand. In order to be this way, mental health is paramount. By supporting the mental health of all of their employees, employers can help them to fulfill their potential and, therefore, the potential of the business.

A new campaign urges employers to change their attitude towards mental health, trying to make them see it as an issue that is on an equal footing with physical health. In order for this to be achieved, dialogue must be opened up about mental health. It is currently seen as such a taboo subject and people are afraid to really open up discussions around the subject.

Another way that employers can ensure that they protect the mental health of their employees is by ensuring that they have healthy, flexible working conditions and are not put under too much pressure. Flexible working can be a vital part of this, as well as regular one-to-one meetings to ensure that employers are keeping in touch with the needs of their employees and are the first to know about any potential issues that are on the horizon.

For more information please click Ajit Patel Goldshield

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Corporate Wealth And Corporate Stress: Finding a Balance – Ajit Patel Sanda

In the hustle-bustle of corporate life, wealth and finance are the big structures that hold everything firmly in place. Wherever you turn, corporations do not hesitate to present their monetary pride whilst maintaining its tireless stability.

It seems almost like a dream, with promises kept and burdens seeming to be something of a myth.

Is it the same for the people who made it that way?

With pressures mounting and severe workloads, the life of the average office worker, let alone the financiers and iron fists, is a peculiarly stressful one. With substantial demands putting stress on workers’ shoulders, the question is how one can manage in such environments?

Stress builds on cholesterol and heart as severely as a crowbar to the shin. With lack of attention and indifference towards fellow workers, the lack of motivation and stifling atmosphere can mount on shoulders and make working life unbearable.

In turn, the corporation suffers because its workers are unable to take a breath for themselves. By making the workers feel good about themselves, the corporation can take to finances like a duck to water.

In America, it was noted that the majority of corporate health care when towards workers’ behaviour. By maintaining a positive atmosphere, plenty of breaks and high incentives, the employees’ health improved, they lost weight and any heart or cholesterol issues slunk back into non-existence.

In a frantic workplace, some of the best (and cheapest) methods of mind-maintenance was meditation. In workers taking time out for themselves, their work became focused and there were less complaints about headaches and stress-related illnesses, which would make they – and the corporation – look bad.

The best moments are when people are also at their best. In doing so, everything around them will improve – particularly for the working environment.

It ain’t all hustle-bustle.

For more information please click Ajit Patel Wellbeing

Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda, Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel Goldshield, Ajit Patel Wemet

How To Make Healthy Choices In A Digital World – Ajit Patel Sanda

The modern workplace is changing. Instead of sitting in a typical, old-fashioned corporate environment, with desks and chairs and people writing on paper using pens, typical office workers use a computer and a keyboard. They may be in an office, or they may even be on their own, working in a virtual environment with their co-workers, thanks to the opportunities offered by the worldwide web.

At the same time, this change in working style does not alter the fact that companies have a responsibility to make sure that the wellness and wellbeing of their employees is protected while they are doing their work duties.

Not only is it a moral obligation for employers but it also makes good business sense. An employee who is ill costs the company money in sick pay, for one thing, but also any kind of sickness absence has an impact on the team as a whole. Think of the company as a well-oiled machine and the employees as the cogs – just the smallest cog missing can cause the whole thing to grind to a halt.

Some of the biggest companies have implemented wellness plans, and smaller companies can learn from what they have put in place. Google, for example, offers free healthy food to all of their employees on site at every one of their companies. They also place water at eye-level in their fridges in order to persuade employees to have a drink on a regular basis.

Hootsuite encourages employees to cycle to work through a biking scheme, while Salesforce puts on free yoga classes and offers employees $100 per month to stay healthy.

Lessons can be learned from these larger companies, and smaller organisations have taken this on with bike rental schemes, exercise programmes, health incentives and education programmes to make sure people are aware of healthy choices.

For more information please click Ajit Patel UK

Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda, Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel Goldshield, Ajit Patel Wemet


Weight Loss Has Met its Matcha – Ajit Patel

You’ve probably heard by now that green tea is good for you, but what you don’t know is that a certain ancient green tea can aid weight loss; as well provide a whole host of other benefits to your overall wellness.

Matcha green tea is a hundreds-of-year-old powdered tea from Japan, and provides a fast and easy way to lost weight. Green teas are beneficial due to its main active ingredient; a powerful antioxidant called Epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG. Matcha tea just so happens to have 130 times the usual amount of EGCG found in green tea. No other tea is anywhere near as effective.

But what’s so amazing about EGCG? In terms of weight loss, it does 3 things to combat weight! Firstly, compared to water, caffeinated water and diluted tea, the EGCG is a great fat burner, as discovered by 2001 study from the Belleville Human Nutrition Research Centre. EGCG also regulates the body’s production of insulin, which means you store less fat, and if that wasn’t enough, EGCG increases your metabolism, which is the rate you burn calories. That’s three weight reducing methods in one cup!

Matcha tea has even been linked to building resistance to diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s and heart disease and multiple sclerosis. Alongside this, green tea has the assets of all antioxidants, meaning it also reduces free radicals and promotes cell vitality. Matcha tea even contains caffeine, about half the amount found in coffee, and theanine, an amino acid proven to help you fight infection and reduce physical and mental stress.

If drinking tea really isn’t your…cup of tea…why not try sprinkling the powder in another drink, or mixing it in with salad, dip or ice cream? With so many benefits to your wellbeing, how could you possibly resist?

For more information please click Ajit Patel Goldshield

Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda, Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel Goldshield, Ajit Patel Wemet

How to Take Control of Your Diet with Healthy Habits – Ajit Patel Sanda

There are similarities between every popular diet plan you see. More often than not, the weight loss strategy will blame certain foods for your wellness problems, tell you to eat less and/or prescribe some sort of “cheap” approach that over-promises on the results. The problem with these kinds of plans is that they don’t benefit your wellbeing in the long-term, albeit providing short-term results. However, such diets are not sustainable because they’re so strict you almost feel like you’re a prisoner to your dietary warden.

This is why nutrition coach and exercise physiologist John Berardi, PhD, of Precision Nutrition, created a system that makes it easy for you to lose weight in a sustainable way. Berandi, who also serves as a performance consultant for Nike and as an adjunct instructor at Eastern Michigan University and the University of Texas, has found this his Lean Eating programmes have helped people to lose weight over and over again, thanks to an approach that focuses on putting you in control on your weight loss through the formation of healthy habits.

‘Sure, you’re going to see calories and food suggestions like other plans,’ Berandi admits. ‘But that’s where the similarities end. The bigger picture is you’re going to understand how you can adapt this plan to almost any food preference and any schedule. And once that happens, you’ll not only feel less stressed by your diet, you’ll also be able to directly influence the way you look.’

According to Berandi, ‘During a get lean plan—where you want to uncover the body you’ve always wanted—the goal is to shift the way you eat to drop fat without having to feel like you’ve cut calories. So while you will be eating less, you’ll be focusing on more nutrient dense foods that will have you feeling fuller, which makes the process easier than you’d expect. More importantly, you’ll be supplying your body with the type of food you need to burn fat and look ripped.’ Therefore, Berandi and his colleagues have created a four meal plan that you can adapt to fit your schedule.

1. Breakfast:

  • Five eggs (Two palm-sized portions)
  • One fist-sized portion of spinach
  • One cupped handful of old fashioned oats
  • One cupped handful of mixed berries
  • One entire thumb of chopped walnuts
  • One glass of water, green tea or black coffee

2. Lunch:

  • Two palm-sized portions of chicken
  • Two fist-sized portions of mixed greens
  • One fist-sized portion of chopped carrots and cucumbers
  • One cupped handful of black beans
  • Two entire thumbs of guacamole
  • One glass of water, green tea or black coffee

3. Mid Afternoon Snack:

  • Two palm-sized portions of protein powder
  • One fist-sized portion of pumpkin
  • One fist-sized portion of spinach
  • One cupped handful of old-fashioned oats
  • Two entire thumbs of chopped walnuts
  • 8oz unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  • Ice cubes as desired

4. Dinner:

  • Two palm-sized portions of wild salmon
  • Two fist-sized portions of zucchini
  • One entire thumb of extra virgin olive oil
  • Two cupped handfuls of sweet potato
  • 8oz water

Bertandi adds, ‘We’re not big fans of counting calories. We think you should eat according to hunger cues and adjust according to results. That’s the real magic of what we do at Precision Nutrition. Instead of strict meal plans we teach a habit strategy, outlining best practices like: slowing down your meals, eating lean protein with every meal, eating veggies and fruits with each meal, and including healthy fats.

Also keep in mind that instead of using ounces, grams, and other metrics, we prefer to use the simplest metric possible: the size of your hand. For example, for men we recommend two palm-sized portion of chicken. This is the preferred approach because your hand generally scales with your body size.’

For more information please click Ajit Patel Goldshield

Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda, Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel Goldshield, Ajit Patel Wemet

Shake It Off: Top 5 Shakes for Outstanding Health – Ajit Patel Sanda

Whether you are trying to lose weight, build muscle, or just improve your nutrition, meal replacement shakes can be an appealing option. Also known as protein shakes and weight loss shakes, these drinks are loaded with all the nutrition you need but still help you control your caloric intake. That being said, though, not all shakes have the same nutritional quality. If you are looking for one of the top nutritional shakes on the market, check out these options.

1. 18Shake
This option is touted by many as the best luxury meal replacement, which is probably for good reason. 18Shake contains no artificial flavors, is a good appetite suppressant, and it is relatively low in sugar. 18Shake is provided through the 18Nutrition company and uses a unique duo-protein formula that contains two high-quality proteins, whey concentrates and whey isolates, as well as fiber and vitamins. Because it’s such a good appetite suppressant and contains a well-balanced nutritional set, this shake is great for weight loss but can also be used to support muscle growth and weight maintenance.

2. Yoli Essential Shake (YES)
Yoli Essential Shake is another leader on the health food market. Some of the major benefits of this shake include that it is made of an exclusive “purawhey” protein, contains no artificial flavors, and is low in calories. This shake is designed to support healthy weight loss, enhance muscle development and maintenance, and serve as a healthy snack the whole family can enjoy. With its balanced nutritional profile, it is perfect as a pre or post-workout supplement, but can just as easily be used as a meal-replacement. The biggest drawback on this option is that it is relatively expensive when compared to other shakes of the same quality.

3. HMR Shakes
HMR has designed a number of weight loss shakes meant for use as meal substitutes. The HMR 120 mix contains a plethora of vitamins made scrumptious thanks to tasteful chocolate and vanilla flavorings. HMR shakes are versatile—easily crafted into shakes, puddings, mousses, and fruit smoothies. HMR products make weight loss easy: just indulge in a shake or variation once a day instead of a regular meal. This substitution will give you the calorie deficit necessary to lose weight, without compromising nutrition.

4. GNC Total Lean Shake
GNC Total Lean Shake is another favorite of consumers. This shake features a well-balanced ration of high-quality protein, important vitamins, key minerals, and healthy fats. It is designed to support weight loss, improve metabolism, and support muscle growth. The shake contains a unique soluble fiber found in oat bran, so it also helps keep blood glucose levels stable.

5. Shakeology Shake
Shakeology is favored for its unique nutritional profile. It consists of over 70 different ingredients, including non-soy protein, a complete amino acid profile, camu-camu, maca root, sacha inchi, acai berries, and more. Shakeology is a relatively effective hunger blocker and contains no artificial flavors; however, it, too, is somewhat expensive.

If you’re looking for a new shake, give one of these options a try. These shakes are great for supporting weight loss, muscle development, and even weight maintenance. Improve your health today with a tasty and nutritional meal replacement shake.

For more information please click AJit Patel Wellbeing

Ajit Patel UK, Ajit Patel Sanda, Ajit Patel Wellness, Ajit Patel Wellbeing, Ajit Patel Goldshield, Ajit Patel Wemet